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Dear Guests and Esteemed Business Partners,

We are experiencing the effects and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected the whole world. During the course of the pandemic, we, as Miracle Resort Hotel, would like to share the measures, we have taken, and our enhanced attention, practices and services in detail with you.

For the purpose of hosting and entertaining our guests in the most comfortable and health manner as much as possible; we have some hygiene procedures and health practices that can be regarded as the "new normal" during the course of the return to normal. All such practices of us have been drawn up meticulously for the purpose of ensuring a healthier vacation experience for you, our esteemed guests, and we hereby submit such practices for your kind information as listed herein below.

We wish you to have a joyful holiday where you will enjoy the sun and the Mediterranean.

Ahmet Raif ILLEZ

Miracle Resort Hotel

General Manager

Measures Taken By Miracle Resort Hotel For Protection Against and Prevention of Spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

  1. Compliance With the Statutory Requirements and Health & Safety Requirements

  • The necessary measures are being taken at our facility in accordance with the statutory regulations and the Health & Safety requirements as issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services of the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey, and also by the World Health Organization.

  • Such regulations and requirements are being monitored in terms of up-to-dateness, and the necessary arrangements are being made, accordingly.

  1. Inspections and International Standards

  • Our facility has been certified by TUV NORD, an organization accredited with the international standards. Inspections are being conducted within certain periods, and the sustainability of our certificates are ensured, accordingly. The certificates held by our facility are as follows; ISO 9001 (Management System), ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System), ISO 10002 (Complaints Management System), OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and the Blue Flag and Travellife awards.

  • Accordingly, our facility is being inspected continuously by the ministries, accredited organizations and our business partners in respect of the national and international hygiene standards, and our standards are being improved on continuous basis and maintained for such purpose.

3. The Controls and Practices At Our Facility

- Food, Potable Water, Pool and Sea Water

  • Samples are being taken from the food products, produced on daily basis, in accordance with the requirements as prescribed under the statutory regulations, and such samples are being kept at the appropriate temperatures and conditions.

  • Samples are being taken from our pools on daily basis, and the analyzes are being performed thereto.

  • As part of the Blue Flag practice, samples are being taken from the water sea, and the acceptability of such samples are being checked by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.

  • Analyzes are being performed by the accredited laboratories within certain periods for the purpose of determining the acceptability of the food, the pool and potable water.

- Legionella Control Procedures and Principles

  • The system, which is created in accordance with the Regulation on the Control Procedures and Principles For the Legionnaires' Disease, is being controlled and monitored as per the said Regulation. The measures such as servicing of the fan coils and ensuring the hygiene thereof, and conditioning of the water by making use of water chemicals, and servicing of the aerators and shower heads, and ensuring the flow of the stable waters, etc. are being taken.

4. Our Staff and Facility Management

  • All of our staff members are being provided with the hygiene training, occupational health and safety training and the trainings about the methods, adopted at our facility for being protected against and preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and such trainings are ensured to be of continuous nature.

  • Our staff members are subjected to the necessary medical examinations, and the medical examinations, which are performed at the time of their recruitment and also on periodic basis, are being monitored by our occupational physician.

  • It is ensured that our staff members work and serve by making use of the necessary hygiene materials and personal protective equipment in accordance with the social distancing guidelines at the service and recreational areas, and the inspections are being carried out for such purpose.

  • The procedures with respect to isolation of any staff member, who is infected or shows any symptom, have been drawn up, and such procedures are ready for being implemented. The body temperature of our staff members are being checked and recorded while entering and exiting the facility, and their health controls are being performed on a regular basis.

5. Visitors, Tenants and Procurement of Goods & Services

  • No visitor is admitted to our facility except for the circumstance where otherwise is required, and the fever measurements are being taken while entering the facility, if and when so required, and it is ensured that the respective individuals reach the hygiene points and act in compliance with the social distancing guidelines.

  • It is ensured and inspected that the goods and service providers and the tenants provide and deliver their services in accordance with the Measures Taken By Miracle Resort Hotel For Protection Against and Preventing the Spread of the Covid-19 as well as the applicable statutory regulations.

6. Welcoming the Guests

  • It is ensured that our guests are subject to a health control while entering our facility, and that their fever measurements are taken, and also that a Covid-19 guest information form is completed, and also that the traceability thereto is carried out.

  • It is ensured that our guests are kept waiting at the designated area in accordance with the social distancing guidelines, until the performance of the check-in.

  • The markings and hygiene equipment have been made available at the location for the check-in in accordance with the social distancing guidelines, and our guests will be guided to their rooms following the completion of the procedures.

  • Our guests, who will check-in and stay at our facility, will be provided with masks for the period of their stay.

  • Bellboy services are being continued to be provided, and the luggage is taken into the rooms by making use of the gloves specific to each guest, before the entry of the guests in the room.

  • Besides, the valet services are being continued to be provided by taking the necessary measures.

  • Arrangements have been made for ensuring that the food & beverage serving hours correspond with the social distancing guidelines, and the guests are being informed about the meal times during the performance of the check-in processes.

7. Room Services/Housekeeping

  • The rooms of our in-house guests are being cleaned and disinfected in a manner to ensure hygiene at the maximum level in accordance with the instructions and procedures covering the measures taken for protection against and preventing the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

  • For the purpose of preventing cross infection, our staff members wash and disinfect their hands as appropriate and change their gloves upon each room change, in respect of the room cleaning processes.

  • A cloth coding system is being applied for the purpose of preventing any cross infection in respect of the room cleaning.

  • Cleaning and disinfecting processes are being carried out in a more detailed manner for the rooms checked-out, and such rooms are being made available to be used by the next guest upon being ventilated after being disinfected by the ozone system.

  • The chemicals, which are being used for the room cleaning, are the chemicals at the international standards and in conformity with the statutory regulations.

  • The products such as the shampoo, body lotion and glasses being made available to be used by the guests at the rooms have been prepared as disposable products, and the products such as papers, envelopes, etc. are being served to the rooms upon the request of the guests.

  • Hand disinfectants and the gray-colored waste bins for the used masks and gloves have been placed in front of all elevators, and they are made available to be used by the guests.

  • The textile products such as sheets and towels are being washed at 70-90 0 C by making use of appropriate chemicals.

  • The frequency of disinfecting the areas such as the surfaces with a high level of contact by the guests, the remote controls, telephones and door handles, etc. has been increased.

  • Room service is available in accordance with the hygiene conditions for any guest who would request such service.

8. Food & Beverage Services

  • Production is being carried out at the production areas by complying with the social distancing guidelines, by making use of the personal protective equipment and in accordance with the requirements as prescribed under the applicable regulations.

  • All controls, starting at the time of acceptance of the raw materials and continuing till the offering of the food, are being performed by our Food Engineer.

  • The ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System is being applied at our facility, and the audits and inspections are being conducted within certain periods by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey as well as the accredited organizations.

  • Fruits and vegetables are being disinfected by making use of the ozone system.

  • Any raw material or product, brought from outside, is being stored at the hygienic conditions after being removed from its outer package before entering the production area.

  • The service areas have been arranged in accordance with the social distancing guidelines (a distance of 1.5 meter between the tables, and a distance of 60 cm between the chairs by the same table).

  • All food and beverage services are being provided by our staff members by making use of the personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, face shields, etc.).

  • All food offering/presentation units have been turned into safeguarded for the purpose of preventing any contact.

  • No fork, spoon, spice, toothpick and such other equipment is being made available at the tables. Such equipment is being served as disposable products depending on the request of the guests.

  • The tables and the chairs are being disinfected following each utilization by the guests.

  • While entering a restaurant, the body temperatures of our guests are being taken by contactless thermometers.

  • Hand disinfectants are made available to be used by our guests while entering the restaurants.

9. Swimming Pools and Beach Services

  • The percentages of the chemicals used at our pools are determined by means of an automated dosing system in compliance with the requirements as prescribed under the applicable regulations.

  • The chemical values for the pools are being checked on daily basis by the pool attendant, and such measurements are being recorded into the pool book of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey on a regular basis.

  • The capacity limitation and the social distancing guidelines for our pools are being monitored on continuous basis by the lifeguards.

  • The frequency of the routine backwashing of the pool waters and the quantity of the fresh water inlet has been increased.

  • The sun beds around the pools and at the beaches have been positioned in accordance with the social distancing guidelines, and the respective areas and sun beds are being disinfected following each utilization by the guests.

  • As per the social distancing guidelines, pool games are discontinued until the course of process of the pandemic will have elapsed.

10. Spa & Wellness, Hairdresser Services(Currently out of servic)

  • An appointment system is being applied for the Spa, Fitness and hairdresser services.

  • Such services are being offered by making use of the personal protective equipment and observing the social distancing guidelines during the course of provision of such systems.

  • Disinfectants have been placed at the points that can be readily accessed by the guests.

  • The respective area and equipment are being disinfected by making use of the appropriate methods and chemicals following each utilization by the guests.

  • The linens being used are washed at a temperature between 70-90 0 C, and thus, it is ensured that such linens are kept hygienic.

  • Skin care, make-up and permanent make-up practices are not available.

11. Animation Shows, Mini Club and Playground Services

  • Animation shows at our facility have been re-arranged for the purpose of being performed in accordance with the social distancing guidelines.

  • The Mini Club will continue to be in service in accordance with the social distancing guidelines, and all equipment and areas shall be cleaned and kept hygienic by making use of the disinfectants conforming to the international standards.

  • A maximum capacity has been determined for the playgrounds, and the playgrounds shall be in service, accordingly.

  • The children will be provided with the opportunity to go out frequently and attend the outdoor events more. Social distancing guidelines shall be observed during the performance of the outdoor events.

  • In case the mini club and playgrounds are put into service, a re-arrangement shall be made so as to be in compliance with the social distancing guidelines and satisfy the hygiene conditions.

12. Practices for the Meeting & Banquet Groups

  • In respect of the organizations to be held at our facility, arrangements shall be made in accordance with the social distancing guidelines.

• It is ensured that our guests are subject to a health control while entering our facility, and that their fever measurements are taken, and also that a Covid-19 guest information form is completed, and also that the traceability thereto is carried out.

  • Our guests shall be provided with disposable tissues and hand disinfectants during the course of the respective organization.

  • At the beginning and end of the respective organization, the hygiene at the areas and equipment used shall be ensured by making use of the disinfectants conforming to the international standards.

13. Servicing of Air-Conditioners and Technical Services

  • The servicing for and the repair of the air-conditioners at our facility are being carried out as based on our maintenance schedule, and the frequency of disinfecting all of the air-conditioning plants and fan coils has been increased.

14. Use of Hand Disinfectants and Masks

  • Disinfectants have been placed at the areas, which are readily accessible by our guests and staff members, at all common use areas available within our facility, by increasing the number of such points. Such disinfectants are monitored on a regular basis, and it is ensured that they are replaced on continuous basis.

  • Masks are deployed at the sufficient quantity for all of staff members and guests, and they are made available to be used for both the staff and the guests.

  • As per the regulations, promulgated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, and also such other applicable regulations, our staff members and tenants, providing services to you, as well as our goods, product and service providers are obliged to wear a mask.

15. Disinfecting Common Use Areas

  • The period for disinfecting the surfaces with a high level of contact by our guests and also the areas, frequently used by our guests, has been increased.

  • For the purpose of ensuring the environmental hygiene at all of the lavatories available at the common use areas, disinfection is being performed by making use of ozone.

  • Methods, which would prevent contact, are being developed to be applied for the door handles and pulling systems of the WCs.

  • The sun beds and such other equipment, used by our guests at the common use areas, are being disinfected following each utilization by employing the ULV Devices by making use of the chemicals conforming to the international standards.

  • The transfer vehicles, trains, buggies, etc. are being disinfected by making use of a disinfectant conforming to the international standards, following each utilization by the guests. Such disinfection is being performed by means of the ULV Devices at the end of the day.

16. Capacity Limitations at the Facility Areas

  • The service hours have been split up for the purpose of ensuring that the food and beverage services would be in accordance with the social distancing guidelines at the main restaurant locations due to the fact that the main restaurant is the location where the individuals come together the most. Our guests will be asked to indicate their preferences for the meal times at the time of performance of the check-in processes, and such preferences will be recorded.

17. Informing and Raising the Awareness of our Guests

  • The informative banners with respect to the methods for being protected against the Covid-19, as issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and also by the World Health Organization, are made available in at least three languages at the common use areas.

  • While entering our facility, our guests will be provided with the leaflets that include the details and information about being protected against and prevention of the spread of the Covid-19.

18. Healthcare Services

  • The medical doctor and nurse service, available for 24 hours and capable of providing medical care and recommendations upon the request of our guests, is being provided at our facility.

  • Our facility also provides the contracted hospital and ambulance service.

19. Our Covid-19 Readiness Team

  • A Covid-19 Readiness Team, led by the General Manager, has been established by taking into account the proposals and opinions delivered by our Occupational Physician, against the probability of any suspected Covid-19 case or occurrence of any such case at our facility.

  • The Covid-19 Readiness Team has drawn up the Emergency Plan and Risk Assessment Report, and such documents are being revised in accordance with the statutory requirements and the international standards, if and when so required.

  • The Covid-19 Readiness Team conducts on-site audits and inspections with respect to all processes and practices adopted at our Facility.

  • All communication, correspondences and provision of information within the facility are being carried out by the Covid-19 Readiness Team.

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